Welcome to our AFRST 221 Roots & Reach blogs!
Hi everyone. As you see below I've outlined the direction your first three posts are to take in your individual blogs. Please be mindful of tagging each entry with the correct labels. Also, I've added each of you to my list so if you double check the directions this will be an easy way to track one another's progress as well.
Roots & Reach: Blog Entry Assignments
Remember that the focus of your blog is always to be centered upon the experiences and contributions of people of African descent within the country you are researching.
First blog entry: History 1 peer response
Due by midnight Friday, Feb. 9 Due by midnight Wednesday, Feb. 15
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! For the first post of your blog, introduce the reader to your country. Provide a brief historical outline that situates your country in connection to the African Diaspora. Explain current claims or disconnects with Africa: can you discuss what the current state of people of African descent is in your country?
Finally, explain why you chose this country of the Diaspora to study. What are you hoping to learn?
Include at minimum a map of your country (preferably from one of the sites Kristin showed us in class). Don’t forget to cite your sources!
Label this entry with the following words: history, Africa in Diaspora
Second blog entry: Government 2 peer response
Due by midnight Friday, Feb. 17 Due by midnight Wednesday, Feb. 22
For this blog entry describe the current state of government in your country. What is the political situation like? Who are the stake holders in maintaining power? Is it a dictatorship or democracy? Who is in power? What is their political agenda? How does this impact the people of African descent in your country?
Include at minimum one newspaper article (or other piece of journalism from a legitimate source) that discusses the political state in your country.
Labels: government, Africa in Diaspora
Third blog entry: Economy 3 peer response
Due by midnight Friday, Feb. 24 Due by midnight Wednesday, Feb. 29
What are some of the major factors in the economy of your country? Does it differ depending on the urban/rural geographic location? What is the major source of income for people? What are the economic relationships with other countries (such as supply for a product or demand for labor)?
Include a visual component to this post that best demonstrates economy for your country.
Labels: economy, Africa in Diaspora
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